…whatever it takes
Smart Buildings
Makes Your IAQ Better
in Green Buildings
…whatever it takes
Smart Buildings
in Green Buildings
Makes Your
IAQ Better
// Products
Delivering Excellence
through Expertise
InviroTech aims to be a reliable and effective solutions provider with products that improve Indoor Air Quality and provide energy savings. This achievement of dual goals makes InviroTech a unique favourite in the green building industry.
InviroTech’s strength is in its capability to provide comprehensive & customised solutions employing wide variety of technologies.
InviroTech Products are reliable, easy to use and deliver great value to the buyer.
Our comitment towards excellence makes us a trusted IAQ partner.
// Expertise
Better IAQ & Energy Savings: Your Priority is our Mission

Better IAQ: RH Control
InviroTech Heat Pipes are a
cost effective and energy
efficient solution to reduce
Humidity in the indoor air and
improve air quality in the
buildings located in Tropical

Better IAQ: Germ Control
Spectra UVGI Systems have
proven to be a reliable solution
to eliminate germs like
bacteria, viruses, mold, etc.
from indoor air.

Better IAQ: Particle Control
Zenair Electronic Air Cleaners
are designed to reduce submicron dust particles, which
are considered to be an air
pollutant with significant
concern for occupants health.

Green Building Solutions
ESG has become a prominent
theme in environmental efforts
worldwide and Green Buildings
are an integral part of these plans.
InviroTech products are crafted to
successfully contribute towards
achieving ecological goals.
// Blogs
Knowledge - News

7 Critical Questions You Ought to Ask Your UV Lamp Supplier
As we have explained that there is significant scope for energy savings and IAQ enhancement when cooling coils are kept clean and free from microbial

UVGI Systems: Most Safe and Effective Coil Cleaning Method?
Millions of dollars are spent on an air-conditioning system in the buildings. Several billion-dollar worth industry is thriving on this. The entire crux of the

Did you know that Spectra UVGI Lamps can help reduce AHU Operating Costs?
In the previous post, we explained how the growth of mold and mildew on the damp and dark surfaces of the non-maintained cooling coils inside